Tuesday, February 25, 2020

CRM Model Assessment & Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

CRM Model Assessment & Design - Essay Example This was seen as a key driver to increase their business coverage. They also managed to be in partnership with Econocaribe Consolidators, Inc. and AmeriJet International, Inc. which is one of the largest freight forwarding carriers and they are based in the US in the United States while the latter is a leading cargo shipment company. Caribbean Cargo DC, LLC goals include providing services that are reliable, efficient and an exceptional customer service. With these services they hope to be recognized by the customer as the better option when it comes to freight forwarding. The marketing strategy in place is not specific as they do not have an ample program that can act as the dependable CRM strategy. According to Peppers and Rogers (2004) the IDIC methodology consists of 2 broad categories; analysis and action. Analysis includes the company’s initiative to identify and differentiate their customers while action involves interaction and customization. IDIC is a methodology that involves several aspects that ensure company prospers efficiently. These include: identification, differentiate, interact and customization. ... Later on the fill out forms and make deposit payments. This type of customer relationship leaves out the biggest aspect of maintaining a customer because they cannot distinguish whether the customer will be just a first time customers or return customers. In addition to that, it lacks proper channels to create personal relationships and interaction and finally customization of products so as to perfectly fit an individual customer needs. Most businesses that have not yet implemented the IDIC model still reap few benefits from the traditional CRM model. These include the ability to communicate with their customers, either first time customers or return customers and they can be able to negotiate on the charges involved as well as offer their customers discounts. With that, return customers may be offered discounts since the company may consider them as loyal customers. This may also act as a perfect channel where the loyal customers may promote the business to other clients who may al so be interested in the services offered, thus this may just be another method that is not reliable for a business to depend on. Some of the impacts of the company’s goals and marketing strategies include the fact that they have maintained the shipping business in the Caribbean with respect to their goals of providing services that are reliable, efficient and an exceptional customer service. The diagram (SWOT) below shows the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities that face Caribbean Cargo DC, LLC. Redesign the Customer Service Policies and Strategies With reference to the IDIC methodology, identification is a key step in IDIC. The current situation that they are

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