Sunday, January 5, 2020

Regulating Violent Video Games - 998 Words

Regulating Violent Video Games Introduction: I. A. Whose place is it to deal with the problem? 1. Parent should censor their children. 2. Why parents should censor children. 3. The possible result if our children are not censored. II. A. Should the Government regulate violent video games? 1. What would happen if the government regulates video games? 2. Why I am against the government’s involvement in regulating video games. 3. Regulating ourselves. Conclusion/Closing: Regulating Violent Video Games An African proverb says, It takes a village to raise a child. But in this society the child barely has a mother or father to truly depend on. When I was I child I was fortunate to have a family so†¦show more content†¦But believe that we would somehow become a communist state over night. Somehow the liberties we take for granted would become the reason people would fight for the wrongness of such violent images. We should as a nation take responsibility for our actions and our children’s actions. If we did this there would be no need for the government to regulate our lives in such ways as banning the things that allow for self expression. And even though violence may or may not touch our lives sometimes daily there is no reason keep those that like the blood and guts from their idea a fun. If you not portraying the serial killer you are watching or playing there is no need for my concern or the government’s regulation on suc h matters. In conclusion, I am against violent video games but I understand the need for others to participate in such activities. I also understand that taking away such rights to play these games would cause chain reaction of government control of not only what is played but viewed and voiced. I believe if we are able to have full knowledge of the things we bring home, and then maybe we wouldn’t bring them home. But if we do then we are prepared for the consequences. In being prepared we teach our children not only what is right and wrong, teaching to them to be aware of what they are teaching themselves. If parents monitor what their children do, watchShow MoreRelatedViolent Video Games are a Key Contributor to Teen Violence in America1186 Words   |  5 PagesA Pulitzer Prize-winning former foreign correspondent for Knight-Ridder Newspaper, asserted in her article that the internet is the main reason behind all the violence that is happening all over the world. The internet broadcasts awful images and videos about wars, killing, murder, and many more violence related crimes. People who spend all their time surfing the net are more prone to lose touch with reality. Ellison talks about cartoon violence over the internet in particular. Furthermore, EllisonRead MoreShould We Continue Violent Video Games?794 Words   |  4 PagesTo Play Violent Video Games? 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