Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Evaluation Information Systems Investments - Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Evaluation Information Systems Investments? Answer: Introducation Managerial role is about the behavior of the manager which consists of three categories: informational, interpersonal and decisional roles. In context to this, the informational role is about managing information, interpersonal includes managing through people, and decisional role is about management with the help of actions. There are various roles played by the manager within an organization such as Monitor, Leader, Disseminator, spokesperson and much more which leads the company to accomplish its objectives in an efficient manner (Willcocks, 2013). The current file is based on the personal experience regarding the managerial role. For this, Darrell Lea a famous Australian Chocolate producing and selling firm is taken into consideration. Concerning this, the report consists of requirements of the job, relations of other individuals with the manager, significant interaction with the both formal and informal factors for accomplishing the organizational objectives. Description about the actual requirements of the job Darrell Lea is one of the famous chocolate-making and selling company of the Australia. The company is popular among the people for its variety of range like Choc-Lea-Bloc, Little Brittle, STIX, Batch 37, Bigger Better bbs and much more. I am working as Manager in this repudiated firm. Actual requirements for the job of manager asked by the cited company are as follows: Education or Qualification: The required qualification for the role of the manager of Darrell Lea considers Bachelors degree and a diploma in the field of management or business. Along with this, it is also vital to have 2years of experience in the critical position. Skills and Talent: Darrell Lea asks for management skills along with knowledge about its various areas like process improvement, performance management, strategic planning, quality management and development of standards. Other necessary skills needed are staffing, coordination, time management, team management, problem-solving and technical skills (Project Systems Management. 2017). Job Duties: In the organization list of duties which are done by the manager includes the contribution in recruitment and selection process, training, and development, job analysis, reward management, performance appraisal, etc. Along with this, it is the responsibility of the manager to develop a strategic plan by studying the overall working for accomplishing the objectives. The manager also does the creation of policies and procedures for establishing the friendly and work-oriented environment. Also, I also contribute to the establishment of procurement, production, and marketing of the chocolates among the customers. Identification of other individuals from inside and outside the organization Interaction with the people plays an essential role in overall development and accomplishment of the assigned tasks. Along with this, proper communication also develops productive relations with the employees of the company. In context to this, I interact with the various numbers of individuals inside and outside the Darrell Lea. These persons aware me about the different aspects of company processes, my work, my roles and responsibilities, my skills and knowledge and many other things. As Manager I interact with the following individuals who are essential to my job: Team Members Supervisor Customers Candidates for recruitment (Bryde, Broquetas Volm, 2013) Colleagues Principle characteristics of the individuals The above question represents the type of individuals I interact with for my company work. Each person has his or her importance and attributes in my job which are described below: Team Members: My team includes both male and female workers between the ages of 25 to 35 years. These members are skilled, talented and experts in their essential areas like production management, strategic management, decision making, technical skills, etc. The type of interaction with my team is formal whereas it becomes informal sometimes for reducing the stress and burden of work (Rosemann vom Brocke, 2015). Supervisor: The senior employee of top-level management with experience of more than ten years in the field of management is my supervisor. My communication with him is formal and concerning my work and responsibilities. Customers: Company focus on the children having the age between 5 to 20 years. I also interact with the parents of the kids for knowing their satisfaction level regarding the quality and taste of the chocolates Darrell Lae offers to them. Outside Candidates for recruitment: I interact with the external individuals up to age 30 for fulfilling the vacant place of job. These individuals should have required knowledge, skills and capabilities. The communication between us is formal in interview sessions. Colleagues: These individuals are both male and female belong with the different departments of the company like production, financial, human resource, etc. There is both formal and informal type of communication with my colleagues (Stark, 2015). Nature of the interdependency that exit Relation of manager with the different type of individuals along with the interdependency between them is as follows: Team Members: My team includes group employees who help in completing the work regarding the making of chocolates effectively and efficiently. I interact with my team by conducting formal and informal meetings. In this, formal sessions consist of problem-solving, decision making, information sharing and conflict handling processes. On the other hand, informal meetings are formed for increasing communication, relationship, trust, and cooperation among the team members. These help me in following my roles and responsibilities correctly for achieving the objectives of Darrell Lae. Complex tasks, intricate strategies, etc. also boost up my skills and talent (Mir Pinnington, 2014). Supervisor: It is my responsibility to provide a proper record of project progress or work to the supervisor. The senior employee who is my supervisor gives me feedbacks with respect to my work. In this, positive reviews motivate me to keep my job continue whereas negative reviews drive me to develop my skills, capabilities and improve my performance. Proper guidance and monitoring of supervisor results to better handling and managing of my work and duties. Customers: These are the most critical assets of the Darrell Lea who leads to accomplishing its goals accurately. I interact with for understanding their needs, want and desire for making chocolates accordingly. I also communicate with the customers like parents of kids for handling their queries and knowing their reviews regarding the chocolates of the company. This information helps in selection of proper and effective strategies and approaches for the production of the chocolates of the right type (Kerzner, 2013). Candidates for recruitment: Manager took part in recruitment and selection process for hiring of right and desirable candidate as per the requirement of the job. I interact with the individuals at the time of interviews for knowing their talent, knowledge, and skills regarding the particular position. Matching of candidates skills and capabilities with the job requirements result in their selection in the Darrell Lea. Colleagues: I communicate formally with the managers of different departments for knowing the companys current position. Informal interaction with colleagues in leisure time also helps in reducing my stress regarding the work or job. My colleagues are both male and female with having good experience in their respected areas (Schwalbe, 2015). Diagrammatic representation of the above interdependencies Diagrammatic representation helps in better understanding of the roles and responsibilities along with the tasks. All the individuals described above, i.e., team members, colleagues, candidates for recruitment, customers and supervisors along with the manager are as follows Conclusion The above study concluded that the managerial role is full of challenges and complexities. It is imperative for a manager to have proper interaction with the individuals for fulfilling their responsibilities and accomplishing their goals. The diagram represents the interdependency of the manager on the different individuals and vice versa. References Bryde, D., Broquetas, M., Volm, J. M. (2013). The project benefits of building information modelling (BIM).International journal of project management,31(7), 971-980. Kerzner, H. (2013). Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley Sons. Mir, F. A., Pinnington, A. H. (2014). Exploring the value of project management: linking project management performance and project success.International journal of project management,32(2), 202-217. Rosemann, M., vom Brocke, J. (2015). The six core elements of business process management. InHandbook on business process management 1(pp. 105-122). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Schwalbe, K. (2015).Information technology project management. Cengage Learning. Stark, J. (2015). Product lifecycle management. InProduct Lifecycle Management (Volume 1)(pp. 1-29). Springer International Publishing. Willcocks, L. (2013).Information management: the evaluation of information systems investments. Springer Project Systems Management. 2017. [PDF]. Available Through: [Accessed on 8th October 2017

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